• One Small Step For Factories, One Giant Leap For Man(ufacturing) Kind

  • We love space around here. Maybe it’s our collective backgrounds in aerospace, or maybe it’s just our (some may say nerdy) interest in the worlds beyond our own. Whatever it may be, as we fly towards the 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s legendary first steps on the moon, we’re reflecting: On both the impact that moment had in America, and the way it changed innovation in our world.

    The moon landing represented a huge step for mankind because, well for starters, we were on the moon. But it also meant everything and anything was possible—It catalyzed the technology revolution that has only accelerated since. Since 1969, the world has seen the internet, bluetooth, social media, bitcoin, virtual reality, and robots all fly by as the latest-and-greatest. Not to mention the countless other industry advancements through the years. We love that agile mindset Neil Armstrong inspired when he uttered those words: “That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.” One small move sets in motion a huge change for everything around it, just as space travel did for every human advancement since. Growth is incremental.

    For some industries however, it can feel like advancements are growing faster than businesses can keep up. Take the Supply Chain as an example. Technology has exponentially grown in the last 50 years and manufacturing requirements are more complex with customization and globalization of the market. But procurement solutions for factories? A bit left behind. They still need the small steps to take the giant leap and move their business forward. And that’s what drives our work every day. 

    Procurement challenges are hard, and that’s why we choose to improve them. With the help of our platform and their transformative mindsets, supply chain leaders are starting to take those small steps in their procurement practices by adding modern technology to antiquated systems. Inventory data analysis can now be automated; actions can be identified by machines and prioritized based on monetary business impact; communication between teams, and their suppliers, is closer than ever. The future of supply chain factories is now. And these small steps are leading to freeing up global resources, reducing waste, and improving people’s day-to-day lives with technology that helps them and their business. 

    The impetus behind innovation is to make life simpler for humankind by advancing, learning, and discovering new ways of thinking and doing. It’s all about identifying, acting on, and continuously improving the small steps that will propel a business at large—and in doing so, impacting their ability to continue to innovate. Like the moon landing, a shift in mindset and technology catalyzes change and opens doors for future innovations. It’s a slippery (and swift) slope down a path of modernization, and we love empowering manufacturing as it takes those leaps. Procurement advancements are one small step for factories, but a giant leap for man(ufacturing)kind.


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