• Our Supply Chain Heroes program recognizes and celebrates the hard work of LeanDNA customers who optimize inventory, reduce shortages, and empower their companies to operate more efficiently. Every hero has a story, and we’re here to tell them!

    In the dynamic world of supply chain management, where every decision can make or break success, the true heroes emerge. Among them stands Kristin Rocco, not just a buyer at MSA Safety, but a seasoned professional with nearly 15 years of experience dedicated to enhancing supply chain efficiency.  Kristin has earned her spot as a Supply Chain Hero by spearheading transformative initiatives and achieving remarkable results for the MSA. Let’s dive into Kristin's recent triumph streamlining workflows and boosting team efficiency by eliminating unnecessary, error prone, manual work. 

    Navigating the Maze of Manual Inputs

    MSA was facing a common but significant challenge in tracking firm delivery dates. The manual effort required to maintain Purchase Order confirmations in the ERP system was overwhelming. Kristin and her team held weekly, or in some cases daily, meetings to work through firm delivery date tracking and manually updating purchase order confirmations. The weight of this led  buyers to delegate some of the workload to an intern who dedicated an astonishing 30 hours per week to re-date delivery information on purchase orders. 

    This burden not only impacted team productivity but also affected the confidence of planners in ensuring a stable supply. Kristin knew this was a major issue that needed resolution.

    Revolutionizing Workflows: Kristin's Innovative Leap 

    The MSA team implemented LeanDNA’s Supplier Connect, a portal to improve supplier-buyer collaboration through real-time chat functions between internal teams and external suppliers. Kristin started her innovative journey by using Supplier Connect to streamline the process, allowing more time to focus on critical matters. That was just the beginning for Kristin and the MSA team. 

    MSA was the first customer to enable Write Back, which at the time, was a pilot program LeanDNA was testing. Write Back is an extended 2-way capability of LeanDNA where the Supplier Connect instance used to securely extract data from an ERP system is reconfigured to also securely write approved data back to the ERP system. This configuration streamlines the buyer/supplier workflow, greatly reducing the amount of time buyers spend updating data in both LeanDNA and their ERP systems.

    “Write Back is something I have always personally dreamed of having in my career. Supply Chain professionals often agree on the gap in systems “speaking” to each other and we now have the ability to widen our communication spectrum. The sky is the limit.” - Kristin Rocco, Buyer at MSA Safety

    With the help of Kristin, LeanDNA was able to get access to a test ERP instance where we could validate the entire Write Back framework. This was no small feat. The project involved collaborations across many teams and departments, all spearheaded by Kristin. She was a guiding force in defining the correct workflow for updating Purchase Orders. 

    Streamlined Workflows and Realizing Efficiency

    The work Kristin did to implement this new feature proved to be a game-changer for Kristin and the MSA team. The initiative reduced the manual workload, enabling buyers to delegate tasks more efficiently and freeing up valuable time.

    Suppliers gained access to vital information, leading to a substantial reduction in stock-out situations. Kristin shared that the ultimate goal was to roll out the solution to their strategic, niche and commodity suppliers with an overarching focus on covering 80% of PO lines. The automation of this two-way capability eliminated a time-consuming 40-hour per week task, emphasizing the transformative effect on MSA's operations.

    This initiative not only brought about impactful change within the MSA team but also solidified Write Back as a value driving capability for supply chain teams across industries.

    “Because of all the tremendous effort put in from the entire MSA team, especially Kristin, LeanDNA can now offer Write Back as a product to other supply chain professionals facing similar challenges.” - Bharadwaj Anantha, Developer at LeanDNA

    More to Achieve

    Kristin and her team charge ahead, fueled by the momentum of their accomplishments and the promise of what lies ahead in 2024. Looking forward, Kristin is gearing up for cross-functional collaboration, with a laser focus on shortages. The capability to enhance root cause investigations and drive resolutions marks a significant milestone in their pursuit of excellence. The team's 2024 goals hone in on shortages, targeting key metrics like supplier on-time delivery, past due POs, and items under safety stock.

    “Now that I’m able to eliminate a time consuming task, I can focus on ways to add value to my organization. I am excited and eager to work more with LeanDNA to achieve additional supply chain goals. We will not stop at Supplier Confirmations, we still have so much more we can achieve!” - Kristin Rocco, Buyer at MSA Safety

    In the evolving landscape of supply chain management, Kristin Rocco stands out as a beacon of success. Her strategic leadership on this initiative has not only addressed critical challenges but has set the stage for continuous improvement. As we celebrate Kristin's achievements, it becomes evident that she is not only a Supply Chain Hero for MSA but an inspiration for professionals navigating the complexities of supply chain management. 


    If you’d like to nominate someone for our Supply Chain Hero program or view more heroes stories, click here

    If  Kristin’s story about streamlining workflows resonated with you and you’d like to learn more about LeanDNA, click here to schedule a demo.



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