• LeanDNA is committed to security as it drives intelligent supply chain execution for leading manufacturers worldwide

    AUSTIN, Texas – Dec. 7, 2023 — LeanDNA, a leading inventory optimization and execution platform, today announced the successful completion of its Type 2 SOC 2 audit for the period from  October 2022 to September 2023. This is the fourth year in a row that the company has completed a SOC 2 audit to demonstrate its commitment to security controls and the protection of customer data on its platform. 

    The SOC 2 audit was conducted by leading compliance assessor A-LIGN, a technology-enabled security and compliance partner trusted by more than 2,500 global organizations to help mitigate cybersecurity risks.

    “LeanDNA is committed to upholding rigorous information security measures to maintain customer trust and provide the utmost confidence their data is protected,” said Richard Lebovitz, CEO of LeanDNA. 

    Established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the SOC 2 examination is designed for organizations of any size, regardless of industry and scope, to ensure the personal assets of their potential and existing customers are protected. SOC 2 reports are recognized globally and affirm that a company’s infrastructure, software, people, data, policies, procedures, and operations have been formally reviewed. 

    “Congratulations to LeanDNA for completing their SOC 2 audit, a widely recognized signal of trust and security," said Steve Simmons, COO of A-LIGN. "It's great to work with organizations like LeanDNA, who understand the value of expertise in driving an efficient audit and the importance of a high-quality final report."

    LeanDNA performs a SOC 2 assessment on an annual basis and can make the report available to current or potential customers upon request through their Customer Success Manager or by contacting LeanDNA at team@leandna.com. Learn more about LeanDNA’s commitment to security here: https://www.leandna.com/security/.


    About LeanDNA

    LeanDNA is a leading inventory optimization and execution platform that is solving the execution gap in the supply chain. This cloud-based platform synchronizes execution across the supply chain, empowering manufacturers to prioritize and collaborate to resolve critical material shortages and excesses. With LeanDNA, manufacturers in industries that include aerospace, industrial, automotive, and medical know they will get the right part in the right place at the right time. Learn more at LeanDNA.com.


    A-LIGN is the only end-to-end cybersecurity compliance solutions provider with readiness to report compliance automation software paired with professional audit services, trusted by more than 4,000 global organizations to help mitigate cybersecurity risks. A-LIGN uniquely delivers a single-provider holistic approach as a licensed CPA firm to SOC 1 and SOC 2 Audit services, accredited ISO 27001, ISO 27701 and ISO 22301 Certification Body, HITRUST CSF Assessor firm, accredited FedRAMP 3PAO, authorized CMMC C3PAO, PCI Qualified Security Assessor Company, and PCI SSC registered Secure Software Assessor Company. Working with growing businesses to global enterprises, A-LIGN’s experts and its compliance automation platform, A-SCEND, are transforming the compliance experience. For more information, visit www.A-LIGN.com.

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