• LeanDNA was recognized for its collaboration with a global aerospace sensor manufacturer.

    AUSTIN, Texas – Aug. 29, 2023 – The Supply Chain Excellence Awards recognized LeanDNA and a customer that manufactures global aerospace sensors as finalists in the Digital Transformation award category. The customer uses LeanDNA to gain full-scope visibility into performance, while improving inventory visibility and prioritized actions for supply chain teams. This has resulted in significantly increased productivity, with reduced time spent on daily work, streamlined processes, and better exception management across their ERP systems.

    The Supply Chain Excellence Awards are now in their 27th year, becoming a benchmark for supply chain best practice, attracting entries from across the UK and Europe. The judges are charged with recognizing outstanding achievement in supply chain management and rewarding those companies who have attained the highest standards. In addition, the awards highlight the importance and opportunities offered by excellent supply chain management. 

    The Digital Transformation Award is open to businesses that have succeeded in helping their partners evolve their traditional supply chains into connected, smart, and highly efficient supply chain ecosystems. It will recognize the key strategic investments that have proven to bring in solid financial results and help move closer to customers, while at the same time driving operational excellence and ultimately enhancing overall supply chain performance. 

    “We are honored to be recognized for Logistics Manager magazine, a leading publication for supply chain managers in UK and beyond,” said LeanDNA founder and CEO Richard Lebovitz. “It’s an honor to facilitate smarter, faster decision-making for our customers through automated recommendations, centralized collaboration, and data health improvements” he said.

    All finalists and winners will be recognized at the Supply Chain Excellence Awards hosted by Logistics Manager magazine in London on Nov. 9.

    About LeanDNA

    LeanDNA is a leading inventory optimization and execution platform that is solving the execution gap in the supply chain. This cloud-based platform synchronizes execution across the supply chain, empowering manufacturers to prioritize and collaborate to resolve critical material shortages and excesses. With LeanDNA, manufacturers in industries that include aerospace, industrial, automotive, and medical know they will get the right part in the right place at the right time. Learn more at leandna.com.

    Contact (For Media Only):

    Jodi Bart Holzband
    Classic Bart PR & Communications

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